Help for Records rating

Online catalogue (IPAC) help.

The record rating feature is available to all readers who want to share their experiences and recommend the title to other readers.

Terms explanation

  • Comments: Textual descriptive comment.
  • Rating: Numerical rating, expressed by number of stars.


It is possible to rate the records on search results page directly using the form available after clicking on the link "add a comment", or after clicking on the star icon on the search results page. It is also possible to rate on the record detail page at the bottom of the page. At the bottom of the record detail page. On same page you are able to see other users rating and comments. Star ratings are on a scale of 1-5, where 1 represents the worst rating and 5 the best.

Title ratings are shared via, if your library opted-in this feature. If yes, the comments and ratings are shared at the national level and the comments and ratings can also be displayed in the catalog of another library participated in the project as an aggregator. Otherwise, comments and ratings are stored locally - only for your library.

The aim of record rating page is to display all comments you have made. Note: after adding a text comment, the text can only be edited on the day of addition.

Title rating options

  • Only a registered reader is allowed to create a new rating or comment. Not available for pre-registered readers.
  • Viewing comments and ratings is available to anyone, even unregistered users.
  • Comments are anonymous. The name of the reader is not published in the article. The reader's library name is published.
  • The reader can rate and comment the title only once.
  • The user who add the rating can still add a comment. The rule is 1 user = 1 comment + 1 rating.
  • The administrator can delete the comment (due to vulgarity, etc.) and in case of multiple deletion, the library has the right to block the account for the possibility of further adding comments and ratings.
  • Note: the user can change the text of the comment only the day of adding the comment. Further change of the comment text will not be possible.

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