Počet záznamů: 1
The institutional context of social enterprise in Taiwan
Článek! Pro signaturu klikni na odkaz In Záhlaví-jméno Wang, Shu-Twu (autor) Údaje o názvu The institutional context of social enterprise in Taiwan / Shu-Twu Wang Dostupné též v elektronické podobě In Sociální práce v nejisté době. - S. 180-189 Předmět.hesla sociální podniky - Tchaj-wan sociální ekonomika - Tchaj-wan neziskový sektor - Tchaj-wan Tchaj-wan Forma, žánr články ze sborníku Anotace Social enterprise in Taiwan starts around the 1990s, and its main purpose is to increase employment opportunities of clients, to improve and organize its own financial condition. Although the government of Taiwan has not directly made laws to be the regulations related to social enterprise, Taiwan government plays a role of facilitator in the aspect of institutionally supporting the norms of social enterprise development. This research focused on the systems related to work integration social enterprise as the research analysis. By applying the institutional theory as theoretical basis of research, this research discussed the features and functions of the relevant institutional environment influencing the development of this research focused its main subjects on the systems related to social enterprise of work integration as the research analysis. By applying the institutional theory as theoretical basis of research, this research discussed the features and functions of the relevant institutional environment influencing the development of social enterprise of work integration social enterprise. Konspekt 334 - Formy organizace a spolupráce v ekonomice Země vyd. Česko Jazyk dok. angličtina URL http://www.prohuman.sk/files/XII_Hradecke_dny_vedecky_sbornik.pdf Databáze Články Odkazy - Zdroj.dok. článek
Počet záznamů: 1