Number of the records: 1
Broadcasting in South Africa
Title statement Broadcasting in South Africa / edited by Keyan Tomaselli, Ruth Tomaselli & Johan Muller Another responsib. Tomaselli, Keyan G., 1948- (author)
Teer-Tomaselli, Ruth, 1953- (author)
Muller, Johan (editor)
Issue data London : James Currey, 1989 ; New York : St. Martin's Phys.des. 227 s. ISBN 0-85255-311-0 Edition Studies on the South African media Subj. Headings žurnalistika publicistika rozhlasové vysílání televizní vysílání Afrika jižní Conspect 070 - Noviny. Tisk UDC 0 Country Velká Británie Language English Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Naučná literatura book
Call number Track No. Location Sublocation Info 74531 397549 Knihovna I-0
Number of the records: 1